How To Wash Full Lace Wig Correctly
How To Wash Full Lace Wig Correctly
Lace wig is made by hand and is tied on a lace base one strand at a time. As our site mentions, you can enjoy tangle free Peruvian Remy hair by purchasing a high-quality Full Lace Wig.
A wig will give you complete hair coverage and features silky straight Indian hair that you’ll love. Since a full lace wigs looks great while being worn, it’s important to learn how to take proper care of it so that it will stay in great condition.
Here are some more tips that are a bit more detailed so that you will learn how to wash of your full lace wig:
Gently Comb it Out
Like all hair extensions, full lace wigs are very much the same. Except with full lace wigs you need to be extra careful when combing out the hair on the wig. Even though the hair is pretty secure in the lace base, it’s still important to be cautious. In order to prevent any hair from getting loose, you’ll want to start brushing the hair from the ends to the top, without getting too close to the lace base.
Use a Spray Bottle with Luke Warm Water to Wash it
Since your wig isn’t attached to your head, you’ll need to wash it while it is on the mannequin head. We recommend adding a tablespoon of shampoo to a small spray bottle and filling it with lukewarm water.
After you’re done making your mixture you can place your actual wig in cool water and while you’re doing this, you will need to spray the wig with the shampoo and warm water combination. Next distribute the shampoo throughout the wig and use a wide-tooth comb to work through your hair.
How To Wash Full Lace Wig Correctly
Flat iron hair extensions
After the shampoo is evenly dispersed through your wig, it’s time to rinse it. Rinse your virgin hair under the cool water and get ready to apply conditioner to the wig next. Now it’s time to add a tablespoon of conditioner to a new spray bottle or you can rinse out the shampoo out of the spray bottle and use that instead if that’s easier.
In the same way you worked through your wig with the shampoo, you’ll need to do this with the conditioner.
Once you’re done with washing your wig with both shampoo and conditioner, gently rinse it out again for a third time under cool water. Use a towel and gently dry the hair, and afterwards, you’ll want to let it dry naturally after you’ve gotten most of the water out. Don’t rub the hair strands against one another – pat dry the hair to prevent any hair breakage from happening.
We hope these tips have helped you understand how to care for your full lace wig. If you take care of it properly it will last you a long time.
Uite ca nu stiam cum se intretine o peruca! 😁 Am mai invatat ceva nou cu aceasta ocazie.
Ma bucur😊
Am si eu in plac o peruca cu ceva bucle sau carlionti mai aflo .. vreau si eu ceva ce nu am
Te cred.
Se pare ca si perucile necesita la fel de multa ingrijire ca sa arate bine ca si parul natural, dar eu zic ca merita daca iti doresti sa arati mereu impecabil.
Asa este.
M-ar tenta o peruca blonda, nu am avut niciodata curajul sa ma delocorez si sa ma fac blonda. Mai intai ar trebui sa scap de vopseu nearg pe care o am pe par, asa c mai simplu ar fi cu o peruca.
Te inteleg perfect si eu as incerca una neagra 🤣
Interesant articol, mi-as lua o peruca blonda! Macar sa-i sperii pe elevii mei cu schimbarea de look!!! 😀
Haha, ce tare
E foarte important sa ai grija de peruca pentru a te bucura de ea cât mai mult timp!
Asa este
Nu știu dacă aș purta o perucă, prin urmare, nu știu cum m-aș descurca cu îngrijirea 🙂
Dar, cine știe, niciodată să nu spui, niciodată!
Asa e, macar de amuzament
Sa stii ca pe mine ma bate gandul sa imi iau o peruca, asa ca imi vor prinde bine sfaturile tale.
Ma bucur mult
Stiu ca o peruca necesita ingrijire speciala deci aceste sfaturi sunt excelente.
Asa e, multumesc
Cred ca perucile sunt optiunile ideale pentru o schimbare de look radicala.
Asa e
Detaliile astea nu le stiam. Neavand o peruca, nici nu mi-am pus problema asta. Este bine de stiut
Ma bucur ca ti au fost de folos